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Natural Language Code – Version 5.6
This integrated README covers newly refined features and usage instructions.
What's New
- Herakles AI chat bubbles: solid green (#34C759) with white text, user bubbles remain #007aff.
- Quick Actions: "Code Gen", "Debug", "Refactor", "Prompt", "Website", "Mockup" with Roboto bold text, pill-shaped, white text on hover.
- Dark Mode for dropdown menus (#2a2a2a background, white text, adequate padding).
- Search snippet input: extra right padding, rgba(42,42,42,0.8) in dark mode, #f3f4f6 in light mode.
- Chat input field in dark mode => #2a2a2a, white text, Berkeley Mono font; day mode => white background, dark text.
- Hero components (chat console, code library, how to) => no drop shadow in day mode, no white borders in night mode.
- Uniform spacing for code editor toolbar buttons.
- Typing animation & "Herakles is thinking..." for AI output loading state.
- Added persistent welcome message from Herakles AI on page load.
- Syntax highlighting for all supported languages (JavaScript, Python, HTML, CSS, C++, C, Rust, Ruby).
See inline comments in the code for details on each update.